Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

discussion NASW

discussion NASW

Q In this module,Dolgoff and Reamer discuss the ethical dilemmas that arise between the professional responsibilities of the social worker and the policy of the organization in which the social worker is employed. For this discussion, review the materials in the module on the Holmes case and address the following points: • If you were in the same position of the psychiatrist as a social worker employed by the University of Colorado, what are your legal and ethical obligations in this situation? o Take a look at the school policies as well as the information provided in the articles/videos to get more context. • If you called the meeting to discuss James Holmes with the interdisciplinary team and the meeting was canceled due to Holmes' withdrawal from the program, what would be your responsibility as a social worker on the case? o Do you see this as being compatible or in contrast to school policy? ? Use the NASW Code of Ethics and school policies to argue both sides. • What is your obligation as an employee of the university? • Finally, you must respond to at least one classmate's posting and address whether you agree or disagree with their post, why, and what additional questions would need to be asked.

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As a psychiatrist, my primary objective should be to provide services to the patients and at the same time, I would definitely try to maintain the rules and regulations of the University. There are definitely some boundaries in the school policies and for a psychiatrist; it is sometimes very difficult to provide services.